Birth Classes

Get all the information you need for a more easeful birth experience.


What to Know:

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These classes are more than just learning about birth; it gave us tips and tools that get us through the whole process. This knowledge is invaluable and helped us feel much more prepared and relaxed about labor and coming home with baby.
— Andre

Strategies for a More Easeful Birth

Do you know…

  • You do not need to spend weeks in birth preparation classes to gain the information you need in preparation for birth.

  • Certain positions and movements can make birthing easier.

  • Breath, movement and mental focus work together to facilitate a more easeful birth.

  • Your partner can provide effective hands-on techniques that help take the edge off challenging contractions.

  • These techniques are not taught in hosptial-based birth classes.

Learn all the skills you need for a more easeful labor in just one class. These simple and practical techniques, grounded in a holistic, yogic approach to birth, will help you and your partner to effectively manage labor. We will practice breath, movements and positioning, the mental aspects of labor, and how to employ a more meditative, calm approach. These techniques help moms-to-be feel more relaxed and confident in their ability to birth and to trust the innate power of the body. Partners will learn my top hands-on doula techniques that provide support, comfort and relief during the labor process. Partners also gain the information needed to feel more confident and prepared for their role during birth. This class is fantastic to help prepare for the arrival of your first baby, but it also serves as a great refresher for second or third time parents, and for those preparing for VBAC.

Recommended for couples 25+ weeks. Spaces go fast! Don’t wait to register.

(Location: 450 Mamaroneck Ave, Suite 414)

  • Su. June 9th 11:30am - 3:30pm (registration now open)

  • Su. Aug 4th 11:30am - 3:30pm (registration now open)

  • Su. Oct 20th 11:30am - 3:30pm (registration now open)

  • Su. Dec 15th 11:30am - 3:30pm (registration now open)

To request a private livestream session: Inquire here.

I was so focused during my contractions, the nurse asked if I was hypno-birthing. I told her no... this is what I learned in your Strategies for Birth class and prenatal yoga. I truly feel it helped this day go more smoothly.
— Jen

Breastfeeding Basics and Postpartum Wellness

Don’t wait for baby to arrive to learn how to make postpartum life easier.

This class is designed for expecting couples to learn about the profound, magical moments immediately following birth up through the first six weeks with your baby. We will talk about newborn procedures (and what you need to ask before your baby is born). You will also learn about the physical, emotional and mental changes you (and your partner) will go through after birth, how to best care for yourself amidst these changes, helpful tips for breastfeeding, getting an ideal latch, and how to ensure breastfeeding gets off to a good start. We will discuss practical ways to prepare your home and why a postpartum plan is helpful. This information is not covered in hospital-based classes.

Recommended for couples 28+ weeks.

(Location: 450 Mamaroneck Ave, Suite 414)

  • Su. July 14th 11:30am - 2:30pm (registration now open)

  • Su. Aug 25th 11:30am - 2:30pm (registration now open)

  • Su. Nov 24th 11:30am - 2:30pm (registration now open)

To request a private livestream (zoom) session: Inquire here.

I am so glad I took this class. I heard a lot of bad stories about breastfeeding and doubted myself. This class cleared up so much misinformation and taught so much about how the body after birth. I learned a lot of practical tips and feel much calmer now and ready for my baby.
— Angela
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Personal Birth Prep Consultation

You are about to experience the biggest and most magical day of your life. What you do now to prepare for birth can make a huge difference in making this day a more comfortable, informed and easeful experience.

Here’s what we will talk about:

  • Your options for labor (what they are, how they are beneficial for you and baby, and why you might choose them).

  • Questions to ask your medical provider before labor.

  • Why you SHOULD express your preferences to your birth team before labor (and how this helps you to “relax into” labor).

  • Why having birth preferences IS important even if labor does not go exactly as you envisioned it.

  • Any birth planning or labor questions you have.

This consultation is for pregnant women and their partners only.
Ideal time for this consultation is between 18 - 35 weeks

Private sessions by request.
75 minutes/$50

To request a private livestream (zoom) session: Inquire here.

Having kids from a previous marriage, I honestly didn’t think there was anything new I could learn from taking a class. But I was wrong. Looking back, I don’t know if I could have been as present as I was for our labor without the guidance and information you gave. It was not an easy labor, one that could have easily ended as a cesarean, but we made it to the end with the natural birth that we hoped for because you helped us to understand our options.
— Alfred

The principle of motherhood is as vast and powerful as the universe. With the power of motherhood within her, a woman can influence the entire world.
— Amma (Amritanandamayi)
It is said that women in labor leave their bodies...they travel to the stars to collect the souls of their babies, and return to this world together.
— Anonymous