I used techniques that I learned in your childbirth education class. They were really so helpful. I was honestly coping well with the pain all day.
— Stephanie

What Makes This Approach Unique…

1. Certified by Childbirth Education Association (CEA/MNY)  

For over 40 years, CEA has provided a holistic approach to birth. Classes are similar to Lamaze in basic content, however these classes bring a more comprehensive review of actual support techniques (for partners) and coping strategies (for moms) to utilize during labor.

The CEA approach also covers additional perspectives that are not found in most clinical and hospital-based approaches. CEA uniquely stands out among childbirth preparation classes and methods as an approach that was specifically developed by women for women. In 1972, a group of pioneering midwives, doulas, and birth advocates took into account the importance of women’s innate body wisdom, and how this profoundly guides the birth process. As a result, this woman-centered perspective embodies the full recognition that each woman is truly unique, bringing her own strengths, preferences and life experiences to the labor room and the postpartum weeks.

This approach is not a one-size-fits-all method. Instead, women and couples are guided to identify, explore and effectively utilize personal strengths that will ultimately provide the most powerful coping strategies for labor. Consumer rights, birth options and informed decision-making in collaboration with medical providers is also highlighted.

2. Independent Perspective

I am not affiliated with any particular hospital, though I have provided hands-on labor support in numerous hospitals, birth centers and homes throughout the tri-state area and beyond. This is a strength! Because of this, I bring a wide, informed perspective on the range of practice and I am not restricted by a prescribed hospital or methods-based curriculum. As such, I have latitude to cover additional topics, and to adjust as needed to address specific concerns and options for expecting couples regardless of where they will deliver.

3. Yogic Approach

I am also a certified, registered prenatal yoga teacher (RPYT), certified childbirth educator and trained birth doula and hypnobirth doula. My extensive hands-on experience with labor and lactation support, as well as my speciality in prenatal yoga informs my perspective on mechanics of movement, positioning, alignment and propping that best facilitates birth.

I provide guidance in effective movements, yogic breath, relaxation techniques and meditation to provide a practical and powerful context for birth. I developed, taught and expanded the Yoga for Labor & Delivery approach based on 15 years of participant feedback in this class. I also have hypnobirth experience, an approach that is very similar to the traditional yogic deep relaxation techniques I teach.

These birth classes include the top support and coping techniques that I utilize, and have seen to consistently work the very best in the labor room. Many couples find this information to be especially valuable for birthing.  These elements are unique to my approach and are not presented in hospital or method-based practices.

4. Flexibility

Your life and to-do list during pregnancy is complicated enough, so these classes can be arranged around your schedule. Of course, if you choose to take the entire series you are fully informed for the journey from late pregnancy, through labor and breastfeeding, up to the first 6 weeks with your baby. But ultimately, you choose when you want to take the classes AND the order that you attend. If you only wish to take one class, or would like to mix/match according to your interests and needs… let me know! Privates are also offered as availability allows. Inquire here.

5. Livestream Classes

During the pandemic, many childbirth classes switched to virtual formats, however there are fewer livestream options now available. The livestream option is preferable to pre-recorded video as it gives you the opportunity to actually ask YOUR questions in real time, and connect with other couples. Frequently, couples do not even know they have a question until the information is presented, or until another couple asks something they did not think of before. Additionally, livestream allows you to attend from the comfort of your own home without having to commute to the studio.

It is so easy to give in to the fear of childbirth, especially as a new mother experiencing labor for the first time. These classes gave me valuable knowledge of pregnancy, labor, and the realities of postpartum. But most importantly, these classes were presented in a safe and compassionate space where I could take the power away from my fear of birth and unknowns of postpartum and breastfeeding. By the time my baby was ready to be born, I felt empowered for the experience ahead.
— Emily